Advocacy & Autonomy


The policy of the home is “Self Advocacy”. Clients are encouraged to make their own decisions on their normal day to day planning of their home life. Members of staff, friends and relatives will talk with clients about their needs, expectations and requirements in and outside the home environment.

It is very important for the client’s general well being, self respect and dignity and most importantly that they feel that they are living in a “Home from Home” that decisions are not made for them if they are capable of making decisions for themselves.

If a client is medically incapable of appointing an advocate then where possible an “Advocate Agent” will be appointed on behalf of the client.


The main concern of our home is the resident’s quality of life. The philosophy of our home is to look after the residents in a caring and sympathetic way, so that their privacy and dignity are respected, and encourage active independence where possible in some cases by the provision of aids and adaptations which allow them to move freely.

Residents Rights relating to independence:

  1. To personal independence; to come and go as they wish to the extent that they are able, for example to go shopping, to visit or stay with friends and relatives.
  2. To care for themselves as far as they are able and willing.
  3. To personal choice where appropriate; when to get up, whether to shower daily, choice of menu, whether to eat in their room or the dining room, whether to pursue a hobby, join in activities, etc.
  4. Resident’s bedrooms are considered their own private space and staff respect their privacy by knocking on doors before entering.
  5. To be consulted about daily living arrangements.
  6. To privacy, for themselves, their belongings and their affairs
  7. To have their cultural, religious, sexual, emotional and other needs accepted and respected.
  8. To mix with other people in the community where appropriate, whether by going out or by inviting visitors for light refreshments etc, if they wish.
  9. Residents must accept that some risk is an aspect of daily life in the home, as it is in any person's normal daily life.